I have to recognize that I didn´t feeled the Earthquake ¬ ¬, because I was of vacations with my boyfriend touring the north of Chile, this day we was on Iquique visit a friend.
Or vacations begining in San Pedro de Atacama, next we went to arica and finally Iquique, We had tickets for the 28 of february on the morning, but we cant leave this day because the earthquake. The family of my boyfriend called us for saied about the whats happening in Santiago and that they was ok, about 5 am. We was so worried, because in the news showed that Santiago and the south there was a catastrophe.
In the morning we went to LAN, for to know when we can leave for our home, but they didn´t knew, because the airport was closed. We cant stayed for mor days in Iquique, because we didn´t have more money (was the last day of our vacations) and we had paid the ticket. So, we had to found a way for arrive to Santiago, and found a tickets for a bus to the next day. The bus was ugly and umcomfortable but was the only way for leave. We traveled for 24 hours!!! and reached soy tired, but we happy because we can saw our familys.
When arrived to Santiago, saw that the earthquake didn ´t much damage like the news showed, but de damage was in the south. The house of my boyfriend and my don´t suffer damages, in my house the basics services alwasy were, but Victor (my boyfriend) lives in Quilicura, so they didn´t water and electricity for two weeks.
Fortunaley we don´t have problems for traveled and our family was Ok.
I hope to enjoy my history, See the next class